All the planetary systems, from the Earth-Moon system to the extrasolar ones, are complex systems, requiring several levels of expertise and interdisciplinarity to be clearly understood. Following the success of Complex Planetary Sytems in 2014, CPSII aims to bring forward the latest findings obtained in that perspective and to generate new collaborations between different disciplines for the future. Any astronomer involved in planetary systems, at any level, is invited to participate to the meeting and to propose its own expertise in future complex challenges.
Key topics
- Formation of planetary systems
- Long-term evolution and stability of planetary systems
- Exoplanets, climate and interiors
- Dynamics of resonances and observations
- Small bodies dynamics
- Orbit propagation methods
- Rotation of planets and satellites
- Dynamics of space debris
Scientific Organizing Committee
Anne-Sophie Libert (chair)
Anne Lemaitre (vice-chair)
Cristian Beaugé
Alessandra Celletti
Véronique Dehant
Shigeru Ida
Emmanuelle Javaux
Dong Lai
Jacques Laskar
Daniel J. Scheeres
Federica Spoto
Elke Pilat-Lohinger (Division A representative)
Local Organizing Committee
Anne Lemaitre (chair)
Anne-Sophie Libert (vice-chair)
Alexis Coyette
Jérôme Daquin
Stéfan Renner
Alain Vienne
André Füzfa (outreach)
CPSII is supported by the International Astronomical Union, Kavli Foundation, UNITER doctoral school, F.R.S.-FNRS, naXys Research Institute, and University of Namur.